Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Blackout Situations & What To Do In One.~ (28-08-2007)

A blackout is that random time of the day where electricity is not available to a residence or particular place. It's that devastating situation that may randomly appear on a short time period, or a long time period. Blackouts are becoming more sporadic in Karawaci. I myself living in Karawaci have recently experienced numerous blackout situations. Right before writing this blog I decided to myself to help you readers out there to have an insight into What To Do In A Blackout Situation:

1. Never scream in a panic tone or cry like a baby. (Crying may actually make the baby cry!)
2.Always think optimistic. (Hey, it's only a few hours doing nothing, right?)
3.Make the best of any situation. (Reading and writing doesn't look so good.)
4.Think of the solution, not the problem! (I wonder who's responsible for this?)
5.Find any source of light to help guide you around. (Car lights may be a good source.)
6.Cherish the times you have with those around you. (Talking to the wall is considered.)
7.Find an alternative place to go to. (Make sure the destination isn't colored black.)
8.Try and sleep to pass the time. (Even if that means sleeping for 10 seconds.) 9.Open www.stopthisisavirus.blogspot.com and read the blog titled: "Blackout Situations & What To Do In One.~ (28-08-2007)
10.Repeat and do questions 1-8 over again. (Try and read all this BEFORE the actual blackout.)

By: Nicholas Sudharta
Administrator (Nicholas)


Anonymous said...

hey man.. you cant access the internet when there is a blackout. how can you see this website. its actually, sorry, a junk.

no offense

Administrator (Nicholas) said...

hey man whoever you are, dont be such a coward using anonymous, what's your real name? are you that scared using your real name in commenting my blog? let me see you write a better blog you coward

Anonymous said...

you cant get any comment do you? i already put the word 'sorry' and 'no offense'. do u understand those word? be fair lad.

kraig @ NSW

Administrator (Nicholas) said...

right, sorry if i was a bit rash kraig, it's jsut that i was writing the blog right after a blackout situation. at the time i was a bit frusrated you see..so sorry lad if i didn't accept your comment well enough.

InitialR said...

Yes i agree with u Kraig
its a junk !! ahahah
Im joking Nicholas ahhahahhaha

Anonymous said...

kraig you sir are a blubbering imbecile. He clearly wrote in point 8 to READ BEFORE the actual blackout