Monday, August 27, 2007

How can you ALMOST tell if someone is lying ?~ (28-08-2007)

How can you ALMOST tell if someone is lying? Scientifically we can't prove if someone is lying however the signs below mostly works in most occasions.

Pay attention to their body language or movement.

Usually when people are lying their eyes cannot stay focus.
They also cannot look straight to the eyes of the other person.
Their appearance may seem nervous, from gestures such as scratching their body parts, or not standing still Most importantly they act out gestures that does not match with what they are saying.

Focus on to their physical appearance and their emotional behavior.
Usually liars will act defensive and sensitive.
They don’t like when people question their statements, even if the questions are appropriate. They usually delay their time to respond and normally their responses are unclear.
By changing the topic of the conversation as quickly as possible, "liars" are able to stop questions concerning their lies.

By: Ricardo Alidjurnawan
Initial R

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